Are you arguing with your teen more often than not?

Is your child not respecting your rules? 

Maybe you are finding that your teen no longer talks to you and you are worried or perhaps you are having difficulty establishing household rules that your child will follow.  

Whatever parenting difficulties you are experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact on your relationship with you child, your relationship with your partner and your own well-being. You may be noticing that you are:

●      worrying about the choices your teen is making

●      having increased conflict with your partner

●      experiencing more stress and guilt pertaining to the way you are parenting

Positive Parenting Workshops can help!

 It may feel impossible now, but you can feel more effective in your parenting. You can feel more connected with your children. And I can help you get there.

 Positive Parenting Program helps you do (3) things:

·       Support you and child in establishing a positive relationship

·       Encourage healthy behavior in your child/teen

·       Manage conflicts with your child/teen in an effective and self regulated way

 I will help you through this process. My approach to parenting comes from a place of understanding and hope: believing that with positive parenting skills you can raise children to be resilient and loving.

It’s time to feel good about your parenting and improve your connection with your child/teen.

 I can help you get there!

Q: What are Positive Parenting Program Workshops like?

A: Positive Parenting Workshops are five 75 minute sessions.  You will learn different parenting strategies to help your child learn emotional coping skills, to promote healthy behaviors in your child, to deal with misbehavior and disrespect effectively, to set your child up for success, to strengthen your relationship and to raise resilient and confident children.

Q: Have Positive Parenting Program techniques been proven to work?

A: Positive Parenting Program is an evidenced based practice. Research has found that it reduces problem behavior in children/teens and improves parents' wellbeing and parenting skills .

Q: How much is the Positive Parenting Program 5 session workshop?

A: The cost of each session is $40 per session.

Q: How do we get started?

A:  If you are interested in attending our next parenting workshop. Please click on the button below and fill out the form or email us directly. We look forward to helping you become less stressed and more connected to your child/teen.